
It was our wedding aniversary today. I completely forgotten. It’s not actually that I forgot, it was just that I didn’t realise that today was the 11th of August. Anyhow, we planned nothing special to mark the occasion, caught as we are in the tumult of life.  Yet, the day turned out rather lovely in the end. 
After dinner we decided to go to the movies, to watch Inside Out.  That was fun. Somebody mentioned at the dinner table the Perseid Meteor Shower- it’s at its peak today. How apt, I thought, the stars are puting on a show for us (and for the rest of the world! ) So we left the shining lights of town after the movie and we drove out of town, to the hills. Once out on the hills we got out of the car, turned off all lights and there they were! Billions of shinny stars, billions of them! M spotted the first shooting star almost as soon as we turned the lights off. It was my turn next, I saw a beauty of a shooting  star, going right across the entire sky! And then we spotted a quick one together! It was awesome!  

Although we made no grand plans to celebrate our wedding anniversary today and although we made no grand romantic gestustures, we ended up spontaneously spending together a very special hour,  marvelling together at an immense, lit up sky – just as in love today as on our wedding day. 

Today I am grateful for my love. #goodthings

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