Celebrate every day
I am super excited to celebrate today my 1st year in business!
One year ago, I took a leap of faith and I jumped into the world of business, as a first time in my life, female entrepreneur.
I remember feeling terrified and excited at the same time.
I was terrified because I never run a biz before. I imagined it will be a massive learning curve and it is. I feared I will fail, and in some ways, I am failing all the time. And, at the same time, I have not failed, as I keep going on.
I judge I failed because I made very little money in this year 1. I judge I made a success of my start as an entrepreneur because I put a financial plan in place for myself that supports me for the first 12 months of my biz even if I don’t produce 1 penny so I can grow and learn without the pressure of money. I judge I am lucky that money comes to me easily from all directions and I had more than enough this first year. And I am grateful for that every single day. I judge I dared to ask for support from my husband and my family – I found it difficult to ask and I made it difficult for myself to accept this help once I had it. I made it difficult by judging that I should be able to support myself by now.
A year ago I made myself excited with the thought that I am courageous and brave enough to try something so new to me at 48! I have a story that by now I should have a career and think about retiring not about starting a new business. I call BS on this story! This story is outdated and I choose to believe I can start anything I want even when I am 120 if that’s what makes me happy! My heart is pumping right now. My knees are weak. I make myself sad that 5 years ago when I worked as Volunteering Services Manager my career path stopped all of a sudden for loss of funding. I was devasted, angry, grieved, scared. And this event gave me a kick in the arse and pushed me to re-invent myself, for which I am grateful. I make myself proud that I dared to start carving a new path for myself 5 years ago, as a life coach. And I also find it hard at times, and I find I have to learn a lot all the time, and I make myself frustrated sometimes when I don’t know what to do, how to get the next client, how to grow my biz. And I spend a lot of money on biz mentors when I am barely making any money. And I hope that one day very soon running my biz will come easy to me, joyously, and that it is fun. And I am a bloody good life coach and I trust I will make a great entrepreneur too.
A year ago I made myself excited with the possibilities and the freedom I imagined running my own biz, in my own very personal way, could bring me. This still excites me today. All the incredible people/ incredible women I meet through my biz. All the new adventures I get to go on. All the lives I get to touch. All the growth I get to do. Becoming a new and more complex version of myself every day. Creating the life I desire every day. Loving the life I already have minute by minute. Knowing myself better, staying more connected with myself and others. My cheeks are burning right now and my heart is pumping with the joy of all this. All the freedom I have to travel, to spend time with my family and friends, all the time I have to be me. Learning how to be the loving, caring, empowering boss to myself that I want to be. I make myself grateful to all the line managers I had in the past that modeled for me how to be an incredible boss.
A year ago, I threw myself into a new story. Since then I moved house, I moved into another country, I coached 40 or so people and I ran 1 retreat in Greece all by myself, I met many other amazing women entrepreneurs and we connected in deep and beautiful ways. What else will unfold for me? I can’t know for sure but I know for sure it will be amazing, cos I am creating the life I want for myself each day, bit by bit, from my heart.
Here’s to many more happy biz anniversaries to me!
Featured photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash