
Every late March I marvel fresh again at the transformation I witness on my window sill.

Some years ago I rescued 3 very sad looking Amaryllis from my local DIY shop. They sell them for Christmas and once Christmas is gone no one seems to want them any more and so they go all sad, light starved and pot bound in the shop. I suspect whatever doesn’t sell gets chucked on a compost heap somewhere or possibly goes into the land fill.  I felt sorry for them so I rescued three; they were sold for peanuts as they were well passed their prime time. I took them home and nurtured them and every spring since then they delight me with their incredible transformation. They are such incredibly majestic plants, I learner later. Their transformation takes me by surprise each year, it’s so striking.

For a whole year all you have is a pot of leaves. But then one day, you notice this little bud at the basis of the plant which shoots up, a mighty phallic stalk rising visibly every day until the swelling top breaks open for this 4 flower buds to emerge. And the buds open more and more every day, one by one.  In about three weeks I get this four massive red trumpets – what transformation, what a show!

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